HomeMy WebLinkAbout3540 Emergency TreatmentSTUDENTS 3540 Page 1 of 3 Bonneville Joint School District No. 93 PROVIDING HEALTH CARE The Bonneville Joint School District No. 93 Board of Trustees recognizes that situations will arise that may necessitate the need to provide first aid or emergency treatment in case of sudden illness or injury to a student. Idaho State Code §32-1015 Parental Rights in Medical Decision-Making, however, prohibits any individual, including school employees, from providing such care without express consent of minor students’ parents unless a medical emergency exists, and 1. such care is necessary to prevent death or imminent, irreparable physical injury, 2. or after a reasonably diligent effort to contact the minor student’s parent/guardian and the minor child’s life or health would be seriously endangered by further delay in the furnishing of health care services. Absent such a medical emergency, medical attention is the responsibility of the parent/guardian. 1. Definitions a. Health care service means a service for the diagnosis, screening, examination, prevention, treatment, cure, care, or relief of any physical or mental health condition, illness, injury, defect, or disease. 2. Parent / Guardian Consent a. Prior to enrolling a minor child in school, parents/guardians will be asked to provide the school with the following emergency information: i. consent to provide health care services to their child, including first aid for injuries and illnesses and health screenings identified in the annual notice of Health Services, ii. telephone numbers where the parent/guardian can be reached in case of emergency; 3. Emergency Treatment for Student Injuries a. When students are injured at school or during school activities, school employees may not provide immediate care and attention unless consent has been given by their parent/guardian. i. If prior consent has not been provided, school employees shall attempt to contact the students’ parents/guardians to arrange for care or treatment of the injured child. b. District employees are authorized to administer any of the following treatments when a medical emergency exists that threatens the life or seriously endangers the health of a student according to the Board policies that govern the treatment: STUDENTS 3540 Page 2 of 3 Bonneville Joint School District No. 93 i. Epinephrine to treat anaphylaxis (3515 Managing Anaphylaxis) ii. Naloxone, sometimes marketed as Narcan, or any other opioid antagonist permitted by IC 54-1733B to treat opioid overdose (3518 Treatment of Opioid Overdoses) iii. Automated external defibrillator (AED) to treat sudden cardiac arrest, iv. Evaluation for concussions or head injuries (3545 Concussions and Head Injuries), v. Tourniquet applications to stop significant bleeding, vi. Any other measure necessary to save the life of a student. c. When such an emergency exists, school employees shall make every effort to contact the parents immediately and seek permission for the treatment. d. If it is determined that the emergency may be of a life-threatening nature, an ambulance will be called to transport the student to the hospital. e. Students will not be assigned to administer first aid treatment unless they are authorized to do so by a licensed physician. f. In cases of accidents, the building Principal / designee shall be responsible for filling out a District Accident Report Form (3540F). 4. Response to Student Illness a. Whenever a minor student develops symptoms of illness while at school, the responsible school officials shall do the following: i. Isolate the child immediately from other children in a room or area segregated for that purpose. ii. Inform the parent/guardian as soon as possible about the illness and request that the child be picked up. iii. Report each case of suspected communicable disease the same day by telephone to the local health authority, or as soon as possible thereafter if no contact can be made the same day. b. School officials, including principals, teachers and staff will not diagnose illness and/or prescribe medication. c. The procedure for dispensing required medications will comply with Policy No. 3510, Dispensing Medication. 5. First Aid Supplies a. Each school within the District may maintain and supply a first aid cabinet/kit. STUDENTS 3540 Page 3 of 3 Bonneville Joint School District No. 93 i. This cabinet/kit should be clean and well arranged at all times. ii. The supplies are intended for first aid only. iii. They will not be used for continuing treatment of any injury or infection. iv. Emergency Treatment First Aid Cabinet (3540E) contains a list of suggested first aid cabinet/kit supplies and their intended use. Adopted 05-17-2005 Reviewed Revised 11-13-2024 Cross-reference: Immunization Requirements #3004 Dispensing Medication #3510 Managing Anaphylaxis #3515 Contagious of Infectious Diseases #3520 Head Lice #3525 Removal of Students During School Hours #3550